Random ideas I want to see built (07/23/2023).
- A health, car, and rental insurance built for international students and/or immigrants. School insurance is way too expensive and has too much friction. Quite a few internships don’t offer HI, hence this product.
- An advanced fashion/design Pinterest. Select a few fashion styles/inspo you like, choose your favourite brands and budget, and get instant product SKUs from which you can checkout. Such a missed opportunity for brands and creators who are in this space.
- College IRL dating app that sets up dates for single ATTRACTIVE people but those who want long-term relationships.
- Ticket Resellers have gone crazy. A company that analyzes social media data of followers and find loyal fans to get early access to tickets and merch?
- Foreign Remittances built on crypto. Get rid of the SWIFT system for P2P transfers and make it significantly cheaper. Latin America uses this and can significantly be used by Asian immigrants.
- A OneDrive tailored towards construction plans, files, and drawings. It is a drag to manually find every drawing I need from time to time.